Think I’m the first one I know about to get a root shell (and SSH) on iPhone 4, using poor @comex’s code (since he has no iPhone 4)@MuscleNerd on his twitter account has posted tweets showing screenshot of jailbroken iPhone 4:
Congrats to @comex for another userland JB <– hi-res Cydia via @planetbeing & @chpwn iPhone4s
@MuscleNerd another Screenshoot:
Obligatory full root shell screenshot on iPhone4: Thanks to new @comex userland JB
Oh, Even Jailbreak will be available soon but Unlock will not, Because iPhone 4 uses a new baseband which require rewrite of Ultrasn0w so Don't expect Unlock Soon!
The DevTeam and others have been checking through the iPhone 4, and have noticed the baseband runs a completely different OS than on previous models. The iPhone 3G and 3G[S] both ran Nucleus OS on the PMB8878 baseband CPU (aka XGold 608), where the iPhone 2G ran the PMB8876 (aka S-Gold 2). iPhone 4 uses the PMB9800, or X-Gold 618 – running a separate OS – ThreadX, an RTOS by ExpressLogic.@p0sixninja answering a person telling him that Jailbreak can't be released in this shape due to some of Apple’s proprietary code that found in the iPhone 4:
@i_Enthusiast the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can’t be released because it includes some of apples software@planetbeing also told that it can't be released soon:
Don’t want to speak for @comex, but afaik no one has breathed a word about release date and what we have right now is nowhere ready.So what to do While waiting for the Jailbreak and Unlock, I will be covering all news in Meantime, So you can follow me on Twitter or on Facebook and You will get it on your Doors!
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